Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ode to the Piano

I miss my piano. I do. I miss the ivory  and ebony keys. I miss being able to play the piano as and when i want to. I miss trying out new progressions, figuring out a song, a tune, anything.

My room is too small for a decent keyboard... and so is my hall. My Yamaha Upright is sitting in my aunt's house - neglected, abandoned and cloaked in dust, I'm sure.


One of the ways I relieve tension is playing on my piano. I remember the times when I take breaks between studying and marking just to sit at the piano and play away...  I miss my piano. Words don't do it justice...

And listening to music all the time does not hel. "Great song! Lemme try to play it." RUDE SHOCK - the piano ISN'T THERE! I open Garage Band on my mac and pathetically plonk away on my qwerty keyboard, pretending I'm actually playing. It's disgusting... my piano feels PLASTIC... I'm typing my music... 

I miss my piano...


estherfoong. said...

Yea man, I play the piano when I'm emo or stressed too. Haha. It's super duper therapeutic :)

Yvonne said...

How about picking up another instrument? *winks* like bass? LOL just kidding.. but yeah i know how it feels.. my piano is in a totally unmotivated mode..