Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This is a short post. I just want to get it out.

I think it's so amazing how long we've come - growing up together, discovering ourselves, finding and losing loves, moving on to the different chapters of our lives. It's quite a feat!

You know how it is with these hollywood movies about girls growing up and forming some kind of unbreakable bond, this inner-circle of friendship, the eternal 'sisterhood'? - Yah, that's how I feel about us, the Ong sisters, the soon-to-be-Mrs Hoon and me... :)

It's so exciting that little Rachel is coming to the older of the Ongs... it's amazing. Now we have to make room for a little girl... and just when the younger Ong is moving out... But of course, no one gets replaced. We just make room for one more... :)

I think everyone needs a circle of friends like we have. It lets us tell of our life's story with much more than just words...

There's so much to look forward to. I cannot wait...


Unknown said...

I m looking forward to the day of ur wedding day. haha... =)

Pamela said...

Haha.... YES. I shall CLAIM it! AMEN! Haha...

Jen said...
